Sunday, 15 March 2009

Allah's blessing & peace be upon him Part 202 A of (A&B)

Does the MANTRA "Allah's prayers & salutation be upon him" constitute BLASPHEMY?


IslamSINS said...

This is such blatant SHIRK and KUFR, why wasn't this vile liar stoned or beheaded for this, along with his deviant adultery? Muhammad is the true *god* of Islam, and woe to the Muslims who choose to ignore the red flags in every single book Islam contains. Muhammad is nauseating, and Muslims are fools!

Unknown said...

Yes,Muhamad's hands was full of blood.He and his followers knew about it.In 84 batles he lost only one. what bloodsheat?Orphans,widows,woundeds,life break
people village to villages,city to cities all those crying.Muhamd was
not in peace within were:Exagereted
fack and false moral therapy in islam,womaniser,lies and say(peace be upon him)paranoïker.
I'm bantou from center part of Africa,I'm not find myself in kuran no,no,no. fed up.