Why was Muhammad Anti Semitic?
Idiot's guide to Islam: The purpose of this blog is to inform, explain and enlighten people from all over the world about the origins of the Quran and Muhammadan Islam. We shall explore almost every aspect of Muhammadan Islam from its very beginnings till modern times, relying almost ENTIRELY upon the Arabic and Islamic sources themselves to prove the statements and conclusions here in declared.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Jihad & Crusades Part 172
Is it a fact that the Arabs & Muhammadans hate the West & Christians only because of the Crusades?
Islamic Scholars Part 171
Are there Islamic Scholars that we can trust to tell us the facts about Muhammad or his Quran?
Rebutting OZZYCDA Part 170
Our series is being embedded with videos from Muhammadans alleging deception on our part. Is this a FACT?
Confirming Previous Revelations Part 169
Are the Hebrew Bible & Gospels CORRUPTED or the same as at the time of Muhammad?
Clash of Civilizations 168
Is the world witnessing a Clash of Civilizations or a Clash of Religious Beliefs?
Quran's Flat Earth Part 167
Modern Muhammadan scholars tell the world that the Quran KNEW about the seven spherical layers of the earth 1400 years ago. Is this true?