Saturday, 12 June 2010

Judea or Palestine? Part 227B (A&B)

If there was a country called Palestine and its people Palestinians,
are there any historical and archaeological records or monuments to attest to their existence?

Judea or Palestine? Part 227A (A&B)

If there was a country called Palestine and its people Palestinians,
are there any historical and archaeological records or monuments to attest to their existence?

Monday, 7 June 2010

The Gaza Flotilla Part 226B (A&B)

Was the Gaza Flotilla for Humanitarian purposes or to PROVOKE
the Israelis to score a propaganda victory?

The Gaza Flotilla Part 226A (A&B)

Was the Gaza Flotilla for Humanitarian purposes or to PROVOKE
the Israelis to score a propaganda victory?

Allah or al Rahman ? Part 225C (AB&C)

Does al Rahman in the Quran mean 'Allah Most Gracious' or is it actually the NAME
of the god of the Yemenites?

Allah or al Rahman ? Part 225B (AB&C)

Does al Rahman in the Quran mean 'Allah Most Gracious' or is it actually the NAME
of the god of the Yemenites?

Allah or al Rahman ? Part 225A (AB&C)

Does al Rahman in the Quran mean 'Allah Most Gracious' or is it actually the NAME
of the god of the Yemenites?

Monday, 31 May 2010

Myth: Battle of the Trench Part 224B (A&B)

How can any encounter between 27,000 fighting men facing each other over a period of 27 days
but having losses of five individuals be called a Battle by any stretch of the imagination?

Myth: Battle of the Trench Part 224A (A&B)

How can any encounter between 27,000 fighting men facing each other over a period of 27 days
but having losses of five individuals be called a Battle by any stretch of the imagination?

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Muslims & Cartoons Part 223

WHY do Muslims arrogate ONLY to themselves, the right to criticise and insult all OTHER beliefs,
BUT accept none about theirs?

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Muslims & Cartoons Part 223

WHY do Muslims arrogate ONLY to themselves, the right to criticise and insult all OTHER beliefs,
BUT accept none about theirs?

Quran WITHOUT Bible Part 222B (A&B)

What would be left of Muhammad's Quran, if all Verses referring to Biblical Characters, Events & Concepts are taken out?

Quran WITHOUT Bible Part 222A (A&B)

What would be left of Muhammad's Quran, if all Verses referring to Biblical Characters, Events & Concepts are taken out?

Muhammad’s Wealth Part 221

Muslims allege that Muhammad died a POOR man.
How is that possible when he was the consummate Pirate of the Desert?

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Islamic Scientists & Islam Part 220B (A&B)

Were so called Islamic Scientists actually True Muslims?

Islamic Scientists & Islam Part 220A (A&B)

Were so called Islamic Scientists actually True Muslims?

Sunday, 25 April 2010

You Love Life; We Love Death Part 219B (A&B)

Why do the Male followers of Muhammad prefer Death than Life?

You Love Life; We Love Death Part 219A (A&B)

Why do the Male followers of Muhammad prefer Death than Life?

Ungodly Quran Part 218

If Allah is the same as the God of Moses & Jesus; why is he NOT All Knowing?

Monday, 5 April 2010

Islam & Conspiracy Theories Part 217

Muslims accuse all 'others' of conspiring against them. What is the reality?

ChristianoPhobia or Reversal of Roles Part 216

If the BIBLE were to RECITE similar verses against Believing Muslims as those found in the Quran against so called Unbelievers, how would they, in all HONESTY, address the issue?

Islam & Genital Mutilation Part 215

Are Muslim claims that Genital Mutilations pre existed Muhammadan Islam TRUE?

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Geert Wilders & Alfred Dreyfus Trials Part 214

Geert Wilders' Trial in the Netherlands will Lift the Veil & Reveal the True Faces of Muhammad & Islam.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Ummat al Kuffar Part 213 C of (ABC)

For centuries, being called a KAFIR was the ultimate Muhammadan Muslim INSULT to all humans who do not believe as they do. Not anymore! Being called a KAFIR is now a Badge of Honour! Kafir & Proud!